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ESL Documentation


Define a check box.

[enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible] [[color] COLOR] [checked]

check box CB_NAME

size WIDTH HEIGHT at [position] X Y in DB_NAME

[[color] COLOR foreground]

[parameter is PAR_STRING]

[helpid is HELP_ID]

[group is GROUP_NAME]


[font FONT_NAME]

enabled | disabled

Define the check box as selectable or not. If you define the check box as disabled, it is displayed grayed and cannot be selected. The default is enabled.

visible | invisible

A visible object is displayed when it is defined. An invisible object is not displayed until you specifically make it visible. The default is visible.

color COLOR

A color keyword, a string value representing a color keyword, or an integer value representing a color number corresponding to a color available on your system.


Display this check box as checked; the default is unchecked.


The identifier for a check box.


Integer values representing the dimensions of the check box in dialog units.

at X Y

Integer values representing the position of the check box in dialog units.


The identifier for the dialog box or dialog region parent object.

COLOR foreground

A string value, integer value, or color keyword representing an ESL color that you want to use for the foreground of the object. The default foreground COLOR is white.

parameter is PAR_STRING

A string value representing the parameter of the check box; the default value is "".

helpid is HELP_ID

A string or integer value representing the identifier of the help panel you want displayed when the user requests help for this control. This should match the help panel defined in the library specified by the help library declaration. The default HELP_ID is "".

group is GROUP_NAME

Group this check box with all other dialog control objects that specify this GROUP_NAME (the identifier for the group to which this check box belongs).


A string value representing the text associated with the check box. This text will be displayed to the right of the check box. If a character in the string is preceded by the tilde (~) character, that character is used as the mnemonic for the check box and will be under lined in the text of the check box. If the user presses this letter (or Alt or Ctrl plus the character) when not in an entry field, this object will be selected. The default TEXT_STRING is "".


The name of the font in which you want the TEXT_STRING to appear. You may use either system or ESL fonts. (See the description of the font is Font Reference Definition.)

You cannot change the font of a control at runtime.


A check box is a dialog control and must have a dialog box or dialog region as its parent. Only the check box keywords, the identifier, the size specification, the at [position] specification, and the in DB_NAME are required in the definition.

When specifying attributes, you can specify parameter, helpid is, group is, font, and text in any order; all other attributes must be specified in the order shown in the model.


invisible dialog box SaveFile_DB

size 160 100 at position 200 200

dialog border

title bar "Save Output File"

system menu

check box Verify_CB

size 48 11 at position 6 20 in SaveFile_DB

text "~Verify after write"

See Also

is checked Object/Item Inquiry Built-in Function