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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Change the size of the window of a graphical, image, sense, or textual region.

For Graphical, Image, and Sense Regions:

change {REGION_NAME|REG_CLASS_NAME} window size [by|to] X Y

For Textual Regions:

change {TR_NAME|TR_CLASS_NAME} window size

[by|to] COLUMNS columns lineS lines


The identifier for a region.


The identifier for a class of regions.

by X Y

Change the relative size of the window by the values specified. For graphical, image, or sense regions, X and Y are integer values that represent the number of X Y coordinates by which the window size will be changed. For textual regions, X and Y must be integer values that represent the number of columns and lines by which the window size will be changed. If you specify negative values for X or Y, the resulting window size must be 0 or greater.

to X Y

Change the absolute size of the window. X and Y must be positive integer values representing the number of X Y coordinates of the new window size (for graphical, image, or sense regions), or the number of columns and lines of the new window size (for textual regions).


The identifier for a textual region.


The identifier for a class of textual regions.

columns COLUMNS

lines lineS

Integer values representing the number of columns and lines by which, or to which, you want to change the textual region's window size.


Use this statement to change the size of the window of a graphical, image, sense, or textual region. The window lies in the coordinate system of its parent.



response to NewAlp_PB

 change Alpha_GR window size by 50 50


response to NewGraph_PB

 change Graph_GR in Display window size by -20 10


action Changer is

 change Box_TR window size to 30 columns 50 lines

See Also

change size Action Statement