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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Change the position of the window of a region or box.

For Graphical Regions, Image Regions, Sense Regions, and Tables:

change {OBJECT_NAME|CLASS_NAME} window position


For Textual Regions, List Boxes, and Combination Boxes:

change {OBJECT_NAME|CLASS_NAME} window position

{ [by] COLUMNS [columns] lineS [ lines]

| to [column] COL_NO [ line] line_NO }


The identifier for an object.


The identifier for a class of objects.


Move the object's origin by relative X and Y coordinates from its current position, in the coordinate system of its parent. XOFFSET and YOFFSET must be positive or negative integer values representing the number of relative coordinates by which you want the window's position changed.


For tables, XOFFSET and YOFFSET are the number of columns and rows by which you want the table moved.

to X Y

Move the object's origin to the absolute X and Y coordinates specified, in the coordinate system of its parent. X an Y must be positive integer values representing the absolute coordinates to which the window's position is being changed.


For tables, XOFFSET and YOFFSET are the column and row numbers to which you want the table moved.



Integer values representing the number of columns and lines by which the window's position is being changed.



Integer values representing the column and line number to which the window's position is being changed.


Use this statement to change the position of the window of a graphical region, image region, sense region, textual region, dialog region, list box, table, or combination box.

When changing the window position of a list box or combination box, the column position is ignored. It will always be column 1 when changing to, and 0 columns when changing by.

For tables, this statement changes the row and column shown in the upper left-hand corner of the table. In this case, XOFFSET is the change in the column position and YOFFSET is the change in the row position. Invisible columns are counted when using the XOFFSET. If the result of this statement sets the new window position to an invisible column, then the next visible column will be used instead.



response to NewPad_PB

 change Row_GR window position

 to 10 75


response to Mover_PB

 change Graph_GR in Display_GR # graphical region child

 window position by 50 100

 textual region ReportRegion_TR

 window size 30 columns 10 lines ...

 at 10 10 in PrimaryWindow_GR

 insert file "report.txt"


response to item ScrollDown_MC from ActBar_AB in PrimaryWindow_GR

 if (bottom of ReportRegion_TR > 

         (window yposition of ReportRegion_TR + window ysize of ReportRegion_TR)) then

         change ReportRegion_TR window position by

         0 columns 10 lines

 end if

See Also

change position Action Statement