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ESL Documentation

Attribute Definition

Define a border for a graphical region, image region, textual region, shape drawing statement, dialog box, or dialog region.

For Graphical, Image, and Textual Regions:

[size|[color] COLOR] border

For Shapes:

[ [color] COLOR] border

For Dialog Boxes:

[dialog] border

For Dialog Regions:

[size] border


Surround the graphical, image, textual, or dialog region by the standard Windows or PM sizing border that can be used to resize the region.


Surround the graphical region, image region, textual region, or shape by a one-pixel border of the color indicated.


A string value, integer value, or color keyword representing an ESL color. For graphical, image, and textual regions, the default border color is white. If you do not specify a border, the default is an invisible white border. For shapes, the default border color is white. If you do not include a border statement, the shape will be filled with the specified color, and no border will be drawn.


Surround the dialog box with the standard Windows or PM dialog border.


Use this statement within an object definition or shape drawing statement to define the border around the object or shape.

If you specify other Windows or PM frame attributes for a graphical, image, or textual region, then a border specification will cause a one-pixel wide border in the Windows or PM border color to be displayed.



blue graphical region Draw_GR size 100 100

 at position 30 30

 red border

 key Go_KEY at position 10 10

 solid blue shape

 red border

 boundary ...

 end shape


dialog box Phone_DB

 size 200 110 at position 50 69

 dialog border

 title bar "Dialog Box"

 system menu

See Also

borderof Object Inquiry Built-in Function

color Keyword

dialogbox        Definition

dialog region, graphical region, image region, textual region Definitions

shape Drawing Statement