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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Allow a drop to occur in the current object.

allow drop


A target object uses this statement in an on dragover response to allow a drop to occur at the current pointer position. It should not be used in any other response.

Your application can use the built-in functions dragtype, xcoord, and ycoord to determine whether a drop should be allowed. The dragtype function is set to the value of the TYPE_STR specified in the drag action statement that initiated the drag operation. The functions xcoord and ycoord are set to the pointer's position in the target object.

Potential target objects must respond to the dragover and drop window events, and should also respond to the drophelp window event.



response to Employee_KEY

    on drag

         drag EmployeeId_IV type "Employee"

    using icon "employee.ico"


response to Department_GR

    on dragover

         if (dragtype = "Employee") then

             allow drop # an Employee can be dropped on

             # Primary_GR

         end if

See Also

drag Action Statement

dragdata Response Inquiry Built-in Function

dragtype Response Inquiry Built-in Function

response to OBJECT on drag On Clause

response to OBJECT on dragover On Clause

response to OBJECT on drop On Clause

response to OBJECT on drophelp On Clause

xcoord and ycoord Response Inquiry Built-in Functions