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ESL Release Notes

The ESLReg library that provides access to the Windows Registry has been extended to include functions to read and write binary values.

The full list of ESLReg functions are:


Opens a specified Registry Key. If the write mode is specified, the key will be created, if it does exist. The routine outputs a Registry Id (integer), which must be used in the other Registry functions.


Closes the Registry Id returned by OpenReg.


Reads an integer value from the Registry.


Writes an integer value to the Registry. If the value already exists, the value will be overwritten.


Reads a string or binary value from the Registry into a string variable.


Writes a string variable to the Registry as a string value. If the value already exists, the value will be overwritten.


Writes a string variable to the Registry as a binary value. If the value already exists, the value will be overwritten.


Deletes a specified Registry key.


A utility function to convert a string of paired hexadecimal characters (0 - 9 & a - f) into a binary value. If the input string is invalid, a null string is returned.


A utility function to convert a string containing a binary field into a string that contains a hexadecimal equivalent.

To access any of the above facility, the ESL application source must include the file "".